How do you stay fit during covid?

How do you stay fit during covid?

By now, we all know that one of the best way to fight covid 19 is to stay healthy. Aside from drinking extra vitamins and eating healthy foods it’s also important that we stay fit and feel good about ourselves.
So, how do you stay fit when you can’t go to the gym like you used to? There are so many ways to do it. Here are some of the lists that will be beneficial for you during this pandemic:
1. Clean your house like you’ve never done it before. Yes, it may sound something different but believe me this is a good exercise. I’m sure you’ll sweat while getting the benefit of having a dust free house. I mean you don’t need to do everything all at once. Do it by portion, schedule to clean per room per day or every other day just the way you want your gym time being scheduled. This is like hitting two birds in one stone.
2. If you’ve done all the cleaning or doesn’t feel cleaning much you can check for all exercise routines videos online. You’ll be able to find out that there’s so many routines you can do depending on your target in your body.
3. If you’re too lazy to do a workout alone you can sign up to paid fitness instructors or you can just do a video exercise with all your friends. After all, we are in a digital world now.
Pretty simple right? So, get up now and start looking & feeling healthy.

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